Is it Brian's sweater-vests? Ted's utterly depressing life? Justin's pretty hair? Sam the Eagle come to life in Ben Bruckner? Whatever it is, there's no show/movie/book/magazine that makes me happier to be gay than this show. I don't care if it's cliched or full of stereotypes. That what I love about it, that it is unapologetic in its portrayal of this particular group of gay people.
Queer as Folk is totally content as a show to just make you HAPPY about gay things. Like marriages and overcoming bashings and marching in the pride parade with your mother. Or about deciding it's okay to be gay, and then dancing your ass off. *****Note-that clip is not safe for work, with butts and cursing and such***** And then all over again.
Also, it is totally and completely hott. But mostly, this show is all about pride for me. And as Brian seduces each trick while at a grocery store/advertising meeting/stoplight/bedside of his comatose friend, I only become more and more turned on proud. You f^&* him, Brian. you f^&* the s^&* out of him. *single tear* Oh, and I pretend that the lesbians don't exist...
kathy, i love you, and this blog, AND queer as folk. now when i eventually talk about it in MY blog i will obviously have to cross-reference yours. good times. also, what a hott picture. geez louise.
A fan of the Gays. :)
we need more gay things kathy likes!